Friday saw the release of a Rs. 50 commemorative coin by the State Bank of Pakistan to honour the Golden Jubilee of the Senate, the Upper House of Pakistan’s Parliament.
The Senate will celebrate its golden jubilee in 2023, and in honour of this, the federal government has given the central bank permission to produce a Rs. 50 commemorative coin, according to a statement from the SBP.
The Senate of Pakistan is the upper legislative house of the bicameral parliament, which is composed equally of representatives from each of the country’s seven provinces.
From March 17, 2023, the coin will be distributed through the exchange counters of all SBP Financial Services Company field offices. The coin has a circular shape, is 30.0 mm in diameter, weighs 13.5 grammes, and is made of 75% copper and 25% nickel.
The words “Islami Jamhuria Pakistan” are written in Urdu script around the perimeter of the waxing crescent moon and five-pointed northwest-facing star in the centre of the coin’s obverse.
The year of issuance is located below the crescent and above two upwardly curled wheat springs. On the right and left sides of the star, the coin’s face value—”50″ in bold letters and “Rupia” in Urdu script—are written, respectively.
The symbol of the Senate of Pakistan is depicted on the coin’s reverse side and in its centre, with the artistic numeral 50 written on the right side.
The words “Pakistan Senate Golden Jubilee” are written in Urdu script at the top edge of the symbol. Below the insignia is inscribed the golden jubilee’s term (1973-2023).